Register company in Shanghai China/Set up company in Shanghai China / WOFE of Shanghai China

Name of a WOFE

The name of the WOFE is governed by “Regulations on the Management of name of Enterprises”.


Since WOFE is a limited liability company, its name should be in the form of “Name of City +Name of the Enterprise +Industry+ Company Limited “.


There are certain restrictions on the use of company names:

1.  It should be in Chinese.

2.  Arabic numerals, foreign characters or alphabets are not allowed.

3.  It should not have content that contradicts national policies, damages social ethics,religions and culture.

4.  It should not have content which damages fair competition and misleads the public.

5.  Unless special approval is obtained, it should not contain the following restricted words: China, Chinese, National, State. 

6.  Name of a WOFE has to be approved by the government before registration.